There seems to be a misunderstanding in the Community regarding the role of our Development Officer. Some people think he is employed by the School, some think it is East Lothian Council and some think it is the SRU.
The reality is that Chris is employed by Dunbar Rugby Club supported by the Scottish Rugby Union.
Chris works within the Grammar School delivering Rugby to all ages supported by Brad Robertson who does Strength and Conditioning. Chris also works with all the Dunbar cluster schools from Innerwick to East Linton as well as with our Minis.
Chris also has to do certain support work with the SRU and also supports East Lothian Rugby. I am sure you all see the benefits of what Chris is doing in the Community. This involves a significant financial cost to the Club which means we have to do a significant amount of fund raising. The Lottery is one of many ways we do this as a Club but this could and should be bringing in more. Membership could also be much higher especially from our youth sections. The Lottery was not won on Tuesday so it rolls over to next week where the Jackpot is a huge £3568.75. If everyone in the Club took a sheet and even brought in a few pounds a week this would make a huge difference to what we could do as a Club. Dunbar United run a similar Lottery and bring in much more per week than we do. If you feel you could do something more contact Fiona Blair who has all the details.