From next season the Scottish Rugby Union will be changing the way they support clubs in Scotland. We will have a challenging time to step up to the goals that will be set. There will be a bronze, silver and gold level of funding. Clubs who do not meet any of these levels will still receive some funding but no where near the bronze level. Everyone involved in Rugby at Dunbar have put us in a great position and we are not far off the silver band. Going forward I would imagine we will easily hit the bronze mark but will have to work hard over the next two or three years to reach silver. A lot of what is expected will come from developing girls and ladies Rugby, additional adult and youth teams as well as additional referees, first aiders etc. If you feel you are equiped to help out in any of these areas then please get in touch. Many of our people have undertaken the first aid in Rugby course and a few more will be attending soon. We should be in a great position to have qualified first aiders at all our School and Club matches. Justin, Fiona, Chris and I have set things in motion with an initial meeting with SRU and we will meet again before the deadline to finalise our paperwork. Long gone are the days of just a tick box excercise.
David Wilson
Chairman Dunbar RFC